Quri Quinoa Peruvian Vodka – Your bottle of Quri Quinoa Peruvian Vodka was not born when the seeds were sown in the rich valley soil, nor when the farmer collected the Quinoa grains high up amongst the glacier capped Peruvian Andes. In fact your bottle was not born in Per at all it was born with a spark, which became an eternal flame, that was lit in 2014 when an American boy found a young Peruvian girl lying on a beach in Brazil.
For years they traveled back and forth between the United States and Per to be together, until the American boy took the leap and moved to Per with nothing except a heart full of love and a dream. A dream of being with his soon to be wife and creating a Vodka as Beautiful as the Woman and Country he fell in love with, Per.
Together they created this unique drink for you, made with love and passion. We cordially invite you to be part of our wonderful story.