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Carpano Antica Vermouth

Original price was: $38.99.Current price is: $31.19.

SKU: WJ694907041 Category:


Made using white wines from variousItalian grape varietiesfrom the Romagna, Puglia and Sicily regions,processed within 24 hours of receivingto prevent oxidation.The numerous aromatic plants that go into the recipe of Antica Formula are extracted byhot infusionorcold extraction.The process is extremely precise and lengthy (some of the botanical ingredients requiremonths of processing). Once the various plants and herbs have been put together, they undergo arefining stagewhich can last forseveral months. This is so that they can blend together properly and release all their fragrance and aromatic intensity.

Antica Formula stands out thanks to its unique bouquet and its unmistakable notes of the best qualityvanilla from the tropical regions ofMadagascar, Papua New Guinea and Tahiti. In fact,only the beans produced by the plant, and no other derivatives, are used in the recipe. Vanilla was known in Aztec times and has appetite-stimulating and digestive properties.Thesaffron used in Antica Formula is of avery high quality and comes mainly from the plateau areas in Iran.Wormwood, vermouth’s essential ingredient, is gatheredexclusively from the Alps of Piedmont and the Aosta Valley.

It has a strong bouquet ofvanillawith spicy, citrusy and dried fruit notes of almond, raisins and cloves. The palate has a well-rounded, richvanillataste that picks up the aromas from the nose. Combines well with the bitter orange, dates, cocoa beans andsaffronflavours.Delectable solo as a digestif, or use it as a central ingredient in a cocktail.

Makes for a delicious, definitive Manhattan!


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