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Aalborg Dild Akvavit

Original price was: $32.99.Current price is: $26.39.

SKU: Z483177108864 Category:


The name Akvavit comes from the Latin “Aqua Vitae” which meanswater of life,and it is thought it was first developed as a remedy to ward off the black death in the 1300’s. Clearly the Scandinavians developed a taste for it because it has become the national spirit and is drunk throughout the year but especially on special occasions and celebrations. It bursts with delicious botanicals unique to this spirit style.

Crystal clear with a fresh aroma of dill. There is a slight aniseed hit with a hint of lemon against an underlying background of dill seeds. This adds a delightful sweetness.Best served chilled from small glasses straight frpom the freezer. “Skol” to one and all!

Bottle Size:70cl

Abv: 38%

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